I Have Moved to Minneapolis, MN, USA

August 14, 2021   

I have moved to Minneapolis from Abu Dhabi with my family. I’m happy to make this announcement. As you may have already guessed, especially old readers (i.e my friends), my posts have gotten fewer and I have disappeared from the Internet for sometime. This has to do with how much my life have changed.

I have tried really hard to avoid discussing my life on this blog since I moved to Somalia, obviously for security reasons. A lot has changed over the past few years, and today I want to share some of the things I have accomplished while in Somalia. I started a family, and we have 2 children. We lived in Abu Dhabi for 4 years and we just moved to Minneapolis to be near my wife’s family.

I have also started a hospital in 2014, in my home town Kismayo, Somalia. We have grown it into a 20-bed facility that mainly serves women & children. We currently employ two specialists, an ObGyn and a pediatrician.

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